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Transourcing: A Pragmatic New Strategy for Enterprise Competitiveness >Enable agility through innovative partner collaboration >Tap new customers in mature and emerging markets


Sao Paulo, BrasilUbiquitous Technology Connectivity Changes the Outsourcing Proposition

Information Technology has matured and standardized quickly since 2000, and information flows with unprecedented ease among consumers and companies around the world. Along with Internet-based and communication technologies come digital collaboration. In addition, technology tools have continued to become more accessible to people around the world, which is leading to an explosion of new workers and consumers in emerging markets.

Modern outsourcing began in the Industrial Economy, where success stemmed from efficiency, economies of scale and low prices. Today, the tide is rapidly turning to value innovation and new offerings that can engage customers' volatile tastes. Low prices and efficiency are expected, but they have a decreasing impact on differentiation. Efficiency-focused companies will increasingly struggle to remain competitive unless they achieve a quantum leap in their ability to innovate.

Outsourcing and enterprise transformation

Transourcing™ refocuses outsourcing onto collaboration and innovation. It transforms the enterprise from a relatively closed, rigid, command and control company to an open, networked organization. Over time, it builds the "extended enterprise," a network of partners that executes an increasing portion of the enterprise's non-core processes and serves as a well for innovation. Collaborative networks consistently outperform self-contained companies because innovation requires diverse points of view, trust and risk/reward sharing.

Outsourcing can build the competencies in collaboration and innovation that enterprises need to thrive in the 21st century.

Drivers of Change21st Century ShiftThe Transformation Imperative

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