New Strategy for Enterprise Competitiveness

Christopher S. Rollyson

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Here you'll find links to much of my thought leadership written since 1998. It spans several phases of transformation:

Web 0.1 (pre-Web,-): human capital and restructuring 1980/1990s

Web 1.0: Java, the Internet e-business (1990s-early 2000s)

Web 2.0: social transformation, enterprise 2.0, global P2P and sourcing


Resources/Thought Leadership

Through client work and interactions with visionaries in many areas, I have access to a mind-boggling array of ideas, strategies and trends, and writing is my way to mash them up into new permutations. I offer you this "family" of wrappers around my content—as well as recommended sources at right. In addition to Reports and Papers see:

•  Presentations   •  Latest blog posts on social business strategy & execution    •  Videos

Reports and Advisories

  • Market advisories are terse documents that identify emerging trends and analyze their meaning in terms of opportunities and threats. They always recommend general "action steps" as well as select sources for further reading.
  • Reports are compendiums of articles on a topic such as consumer empowerment or enterprise 2.0.
  • Points of view are the closest that a consultant gets to editorializing. They identify cutting edge phenomena and offer initial analysis, but they offer less recommended action than advisories.

Papers and Articles

  • Predictions and Wrap-ups are reports that I periodically find time to complete, usually at the end of the calendar year (Gregorian). Especially fun to crack open the vintage Web 1.0 ones!
  • Working papers are similar to market advisories but they go into more detail. Since they are on emerging topics, they are "working" iterations that I update periodically.
  • White papers are similar to working papers but less emerging. Consider them to have reached their "final" iterations ,^)
  • Articles/Ideas are similar to "Noodles" I write in the Global Human Capital Journal, that is, short pieces that are market insights or mental doodlings. Some of these are vintage, too.

Third Party Resources

Monitoring breaking trends is critical in dynamic markets, so here are some of my favorite sources of thought leadership and venues for interacting with leaders.

Professional services directory

These firms' sites are replete with research, articles and white papers, many of which are available at no charge.

Associations and meetings

My recommended venues where you can find first-hand information and meet experts.

Strategic Issues

Helpful information for strategic issues I'm dealing with in client work.

Reviews of books, journals and magazines

My selection and comments.

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