Rollyson.net chronicles some of the profound changes that have taken place since the 1990s, when this site was launched. As a marketing executive and a principal consultant, I have advised global enterprises on using technology and digital business processes to evolve their businesses, and I have led widespread changes while a marketing executive.
- Speaking engagements contains links to upcoming and past speaking engagements and events I've chaired.
- Case studies describe client work in software, auto, consumer electronics, telecoms, consulting, chemicals industries as well as major engagements I've led or sponsored as a line executive.
- Engagement summaries, a staple for every consultant! Brief, more inclusive treatment of my work.
- Quals contains bios, CVs, resumes and pictures for speaking engagements or articles.
- Media and News contains links to my media activity and news releases.
- Sitelog traces the development of the site.
- Forwards are somewhat musty introductions to new iterations over the years 1998 | 2000. If you like this type of "historical perspective," make sure to see the Web 1.0 visions and predictions. Web 2.0 visions and predictions are the subject of The Global Human Capital Journal.