Two recent articles show that even the most intractable problems can be overcome when organizations find ways to align their goals. Sometimes collaboration makes for strange bedfellows—like the military and environmentalists—but opportunity is often highest when when “mashing up” groups that are not used to working together. Innovation can produce surprising value when leaders open their minds, challenge conventional wisdom and make unthinkable changes—like paying a hospital more for treating patients less.
These stories are as inspiring as they are instructive because the people involved questioned assumptions, and I hope you enjoy them.
Healthcare Costs Hit in Solar Plexus
Virginia Mason Medical Center is Seattle’s third largest health care provider, and it began innovating in several areas after receiving a wake-up call from Aetna, one of the area’s largest insurers. In 2004, Aetna shared the results of a study that compared treatment costs of Seattle area hospitals. Several of Virginia Mason’s specialty practices were significantly more costly than alternatives, and Aetna was considering excluding those areas from coverage. In the ensuing two years, Virginia Mason innovated by using new workflow strategies in targeted treatment areas. For example:
In the spine clinic, […]