Enterprise Social Networking Panel to Emphasise Innovation, Risk Mitigation

Enterprise Social Networking Panel to Emphasise Innovation, Risk Mitigation

Enterprise Social Networking Panel to Emphasise Innovation, Risk Mitigation previews new opportunity and risk mitigation theme at SNC London. I will be leading a new panel at the Social Networking Conference, “Enterprise Social Networking for Innovation: Case Studies, Approaches and Tools” in London, September 24-25.  I’ll be grilling executives from healthcare, financial services, telecoms and consumer products about their challenges and lessons learned.  Read on for the full description.

Enterprise Social Networking for Innovation: Case Studies, Approaches and Tools

This session will share wisdom from enterprise social networking pioneers in healthcare, telecoms, financial services and consumer products in a format to maximise your learning.  In each case, we will discuss:

  • The business challenge panelists faced, and why they chose social networking for innovation
  • What difficulties panelists encountered when their companies participated in social networks
  • How they overcame difficulties
  • Results achieved

Keeping with the focus of the Social Network Roadmap, we will focus on on tools and approaches they used to expand adoption of social networks while managing risk.


Panelists are behind the curtain as of yet, but check back often as we will unveil them at the appropriate time ,^)

Update: 4 September 2009 & 12 Sept 09

Very pleased to announce three exceptional panelists on the cutting edge of consumer goods and healthcare:

  • Michel Campan, Director, Client Marketing at Christian Dior Couture (LVMH Group). Michel will discuss Dior’s state of the art Web 2.0 initiatives for engaging their global luxury clientele in a world of fantasy and value.
  • Dave Taylor, Programme Lead, Imperial College London’s Medical Media and Design Laboratory (Department of Biosurgery and Surgical Technology). Dave will share the benefits and risks of using virtual worlds to enhance patient experience and address legal issues.
  • Salvatore Reina, Knowledge Programme Manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers. Salvatore has global and UK roles in PwC’s adoption of social networking, and he will share PwC’s results with popular platforms (Facebook, Yammer) as well as with IBM/Lotus Connections and Confluence.

Pending confirmation next week:

  • Finance and strategy executive, global investment bank
  • Innovation team lead, telecoms
  • CxO, social network brand

Additional Information

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