Web 2.0 Pitfall #1: The “Solutions-Centric” Approach to Social Venues

How to deal with technology disputes when your team gets into prolonged arguments over Web 2.0 tools, vendors or approaches. Taking a customer-centric approach to web 2.0 projects. Unleashing the power of the Web 2.0 conversation within your projects. […]

Everything You Wanted to Know about Web 2.0*: Wikis

guide-wikiWikis are one of Web 2.0’s most secret weapons as of this writing, and they will transform the metrics around administration and communication. They are “leicht,” as Germans say. Deceptively simple. Sublime.

Wikis are collective desktops that enable teams to collaborate much more efficiently than they do now. Gone are myriad versions of locally (on your computer) stored spreadsheets, presentations and documents that team members shuffle around via legacy email, fax, phone and sneakernet. Legacy project management is terrifically inefficient, and wikis enable their complete reengineering by maximizing the power of asynchronous communication (not concurrent, like a face to face conversation). Here’s how they work.
