Web 2.0 Business Strategy: Comparing Facebook and MySpace Expansion Strategy

Startling Web 2.0 strategy and tactics: comparing MySpace and Facebook approaches to globalization and drawing lessons for executives: the power of crowdsourcing […]

Web 2.0 Investment Strategy: Outperform Rivals by Using Adoption Cycle

Web 2.0 investment strategy uses a new adoption model to prepare for the Web 2.0 boom and bust by understanding and managing risks of applying social networks to business and government […]

Just Launched: The Social Network Roadmap Facebook Page

Strategy and plans behind the Social Network Roadmap’s Facebook Page, which Facebook members should benefit the most from the Roadmap and how it can drive their business […]

Consumer Empowerment and Disruption

Consumer empowerment and disruption are being unleashed by the many-to-many Web. As we’ve been writing for some time, Web 2.0 is giving individuals collective voices that can rival the authority of global enterprises and governments, which is disruptive because it changes the rules. We call it Consumer Empowerment. Blogs, social networking, podcasts, wikis, vlogs and their intermediaries like Technorati, MySpace and iTunes give customers the tools to create and distribute content for free—instantly and globally. When rules change, you can quickly strengthen your market position by understanding and adapting more quickly than competitors.

Google any specific product, phrase or service, and you will notice that customer content is growing quickly, especially in specific, customer-centric areas that organizations aren’t focused on. Customers contribute customer-relevant content because they are passionate about the subject. Growing “tribes” of individuals connect, collaborate, and become smart very quickly. Threat: large organizations are losing control over the information about their reputations, products and services. Opportunity: adding value to these customer-led conversations can increase your credibility and appeal.

Large organizations attained their market power through efficiency, the hallmark of the […]