Four Steps to Building Facebook Presence, Network-Style

Four Steps to Building Facebook Presence Network-Style: strategy & tacticsFacebook Pages and Groups are rapidly becoming like websites or phone numbers—overwhelmingly banal. Last year, it was still novel for many companies and governments to launch Pages or Groups, but 2010-2011 is proving to be the inflection point: people merely expect Facebook presence because every organization has one. In step with this, the competition for Fans’ (now “Likes”) attention on Facebook is high and will continue to get higher. That said, as difficult as it is, launching and growing a powerful Facebook presence is eminently doable with the right strategy and execution. Here I will share some of my notes with a current engagement for how to grow a quality Fan base by building and leveraging a network around your presence. By the Way, Pages and Groups share similarities but they are distinct in their functionality. This post will focus mostly on Pages, but many of its techniques will work with Groups as well.


Executive’s Guide to Twitter Releases Free Online Courses

Executives need to get on Twitter so they can understand the potential and the threat to their communications with stakeholders. The problem is, the value proposition isn’t clear, and executives perceive it takes too much time to learn. These free online courses fill that gap. […]

Blogs: The Relationship-Centric Approach to Building Readership

Approach this as a relationship building activity, there are no magic bullets, and most of these tactics will take some time to show results. If you want readers, you need to focus on building relationships with them by showing that you are relevant to them and by showing that you care about things in which they are interested. […]

Suggestions for Facebook: How to Triple Value of Friend Suggestions

How Facebook can fix its lame “Friend Suggestions” feature—while tripling the value to members (users). How Members can increase their ability to meet qualified new people on Facebook. […]

Blogging: Quick Launch Guide

Quick launch guide to blogging for executives and professionals: get online with WordPress or Blogger in about an hour: how to pick a blog platform, write your first post, configure antispam and manage and grow. Tips on content strategy and using categories and tags. […]

Using Facebook to Accelerate Time to Trust

Why most people benefit from using LinkedIn and Facebook together to accelerate their business relationships: Key pointers on how to get started. […]

Blogging and Tweeting to Support Your Job Search or Fundraising

How to support your job search or fundraising by blogging and tweeting on Twitter… plus how to engage hyper-connected executives to remember you and help you more […]

Introducing Twitter Value Vectors: The Key to Building a Quality Following

Introduction to Value Vectors, one of the Executive’s Guide to Twitter’s critical tools for advising firms on creating Twitter presence.. learn how to take the guesswork out of creating your Twitter community of followers […]

Twitter: Quick Launch Guide

Twitter quick start guide for executives: get up and running in 30 minutes: overview of privacy, followers/followed, strategy, adding value and account settings. […]

Exploring Twitter: Ten Observations

Reflecting on Twitter’s promise for senior marketing executives and B2B applications plus some tactical tips.. Twitter, tactics, strategy, value proposition, innovation, creativity, crowdsourcing, insight, philosophy […]