I am excited to announce the release of the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn’s first trailer, “Executive Preview”—on the anniversary of our first public seminar. The trailer will support our Q1 CEO roadshow and upcoming Q2 seminars. It’s a two minute video that introduces the EGLI and points viewers to the public seminar home page.
The video highlights the business drivers behind the main topics of our core public offering, Collaborative and Classroom seminars. We will continue to offer periodic public seminars for educational purposes, although the calendar has been curtailed recently due to our increasing consulting load.
The main points of the video are:
Social networks are a transformational force that will disrupt business even more than the Internet did ten years ago
- As quickly as possible, executives need to understand how Web 2.0, social networks and LinkedIn apply to their businesses, so they can come up the learning curve faster than competitors
- The vid highlights some of the key tools we use during the seminars as well as key value propositions
- All this in just 2 minutes! ,^)
Please Share Your Feedback
I would love to hear your reactions and suggestions about how to improve it in Comments below. Also, I’m very interested in your tips for other video topics, formats, etc. What would make it easier to view and share? Thank you.
- In some browsers, the sound and video don’t synch up when you have many windows or tabs open; if it looks weird, try closing some tabs and windows
- If you prefer, view the high quality version here (.mov format)
Hi Chris,
I really enjoyed your trailer. It provides a compelling reason as to why executive need to take part in the seminars.
The trailer is professionally done. Good job!
Alan Wilson
Alan, thanks for writing and for your kind words. I am looking for ways to communicate the opportunity that people have but don’t see!
Chris, I enjoyed the video clip. It served to continue my motivation to learn more about LinkedIn and its power for not only my business but my clients which are increasingly looking for answers and advice on social media. For myself, I would attend “work groups” where we can review our LinkedIn pages, practices, etc. and get personalized advice on moving forward. The session I did with just you and one other participant was very valuable and feel there may be value to similar sessions.