Advertising on Twitter?

How feasible is advertising on Twitter? Is “sponsored” word of mouth likely to work? […]

What and how to Share on Twitter and Facebook

Evaluating off-base media criticism of social networks, and how you can use Twitter and Facebook updates effectively […]

LinkedIn Brief #3: How Do You Use Facebook to Accelerate LinkedIn Results?

Why most people benefit from using LinkedIn and Facebook together to accelerate their business relationships: Key pointers on how to get started. […]

LinkedIn Brief #1: How Many LinkedIn Connections Do You Need to Move the Ball?

Key questions to ask that will help you determine what size LinkedIn network you need to meet your goals.. big or small […]

Introducing Twitter Value Vectors: The Key to Building a Quality Following

Introduction to Value Vectors, one of the Executive’s Guide to Twitter’s critical tools for advising firms on creating Twitter presence.. learn how to take the guesswork out of creating your Twitter community of followers […]

Social Networking Conference Case Study: Ben Newton on Wal-Mart's Social Network

How Wal-Mart’s employee social network addresses a 2 million member global workforce and seeks to draw them into an online community that adds value to the employee experience […]

Social Networking Conference Case Study: Aubrey Sabala on Building Community with Events

How Digg uses video and physical events to strengthen and grow its online community–and marketing clout: the strategy behind Diggnation, Digg Town Halls, Bigg Digg Shindiggs and Digg Meetups. […]

Social Networking Conference Case Study: Marius Ciortea on Oracle Social Networking Initiatives

Overview of Oracle Mix and other enterprise social networking initiatives […]

Social Networking Conference Case Study: Sumaya Kazi on Sun's Social Networking Programs

Sumaya Kazi talks about several social network initiatives at Sun: executive blogging, podcasts, wikis, customer collaboration and engaging employees; excellent explanation of the latent potential of employees to drive enterprise social networking. […]

Social Networking Conference Wrap: Michael Brito on Big Brand Loyalty

Michael Brito is Intel’s chief evangelist to consumers, and he works the social network beat par excellence. Here he shares some of his insights into how big brands and engage consumers, focusing on “ingredient brand” strategy […]