Presenting Social Network Roadmap at SocialDevCampChicago

How the Social Network Roadmap can increase demand for Web 2.0 and social software and services providers.. brief overview of the Roadmap’s phases and connection points for Web 2.0 vendors […]

Enterprise and Individual Drivers for Social Networks

Demand drivers for enterprise social networks: global enterprises suffer innovation crisis while individuals seek employment security; cross-boundary collaboration is a win-win for enterprise and employee […]

Just Out: New Social Network Roadmap Provides Risk-managed Approach for Applying Web 2.0 to Business

Public Beta Release at Social Network Conference Examples of enterprise process innovation feature LinkedIn®

news_flashI am pleased to announce that I beta-released my new social network roadmap at the Social Networking Conference last week in San Francisco. The roadmap helps enterprises to effectively assess, plan and apply social networks’ new technologies and behaviors to business while minimizing risk. It offers a structured approach to evaluating and using social networks for process innovation in marketing, business development, client service, human resources, research & development and others.


Tripping over False Assumptions about Enterprise 2.0

ent2Forrester’s recent report, Global Enterprise Web 2.0 Market Forecast: 2007 To 2013(1), offers excellent insights into the enterprise adoption of Web 2.0 technologies but falls into the trap of entertaining assumptions that are becoming less true by the day. In this brief market comment, I will discuss and correct so that you can appreciate their findings more and put them into a different perspective.


Quick Take: Enterprise Social Networking Crystal Ball

ent2Many a CMO, CTO and CIO is asking him/herself when, how and why they should introduce social networking to the enterprise and, unlike startups and consumers, they must contemplate how these emerging phenomena fit with the corporate universe of technology and business processes. Critical to the enterprise adoption calculus is guessing how prevalent new technologies, processes and habits will be, so here is a back-of-the-envelope look at how social networks might look three years in the future.
