Joined at the Hip - Sprint Nextel's Destiny and the Demand for a

Sprint Nextel’s Destiny and the Demand for a New Wireless Future reports on how Sprint Nextel is betting its future on a new wired society.

Sprint Nextel's Destiny and the Demand for a New Wireless Future: Gary D. ForseeGary D. Forsee, Chairman and CEO, Sprint Nextel Corporation, set the stage for the Executives’ Club of Chicago’s Technology Conference by outlining Sprint’s wireless strategy and a new vision for global community at the March enterprise CEO luncheon at the Chicago Hilton.

Sprint’s long history reflects the transformation of the U.S. telecoms market. The company has had a key role in remaking the U.S. telecoms industry during its privatization. It competed as a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) and once earned most of its revenue from long distance services, which are now essentially free. After its 2005 merger with Nextel, virtually all its revenue comes from wireless services.

Moreover, Mr. Forsee promised that Chicago would be one of two pilot cities for Sprint’s WiMAX initiative later this year. Chicagoans will be among the first in the U.S. to try 4G network services.

Sprint’s Wireless Future

Sprint Nextel has seen the future, and it […]

Innovation Lab: Should Apple Jump into the Mobile Phone Fray?

Mobile Phones a Plum Market for Apple—If It Changes the Rules

aplph-06As mobile phones and smartphones become increasingly commonplace in mature and emerging markets, pundits increasingly predict that Apple will apply its design and experience expertise to field a mobile phone. Renowned for the elegance and simplicity of its devices and services, Apple provides unparalleled experience through world-class design of hardware, software and services. It delights and inspires customers by making the complex simple and beautiful.

The market for computing devices, wireless access and information (content) is at the point of convergence, and its value chain players—access providers, device makers and information providers—are vying to grow their influence. The digital device is rapidly becoming the hub for an unlimited number of information services. For many people, it is the main access device to the Internet, more than a computer. Within the market for devices, smartphones represent the convergence of PDAs and phones.

But the market for “music phones” is crippled by intractable value chain conflict. Can Apple use its core competency to create sustainable competitive advantage by changing the rules?

Are Rumors Grounded in a Solid Business Case?

The never-ending […]

Technology Outlook for 2007 - Chicago as a Leading Technology Center

High Potential for Business Innovation

tech_chicagoPlus ça change* was the theme of The Executives’ Club of Chicago High Technology Conference December eighth, where an esteemed panel gave varying perspectives on Chicago’s importance as a technology center. William Avery of Brunswick Corporation, James O’Connor, Jr. of Motorola, Inc. and Ira H. Cohen of Goldman, Sachs & Co. spoke about technology from enterprise IT, mobile technology and investment points of view respectively. Prior to their prepared remarks, John Gentry of CSC Consulting outlined key results of the forthcoming Chicago Technology Outlook Survey, in which corporate technology leaders commented on IT trends for 2007 as well as Chicago’s role as a technology center. He moderated the panel during a Q&A session.

The net-net: Chicago has a way to go before it becomes a preeminent technology center; however, its best chance for creating breakaway value through innovation will lie in not focusing on technology, as explained in Analysis and Conclusions.
