Christopher Rollyson to Join LinkedIn Inc. in CMO Coaching Session

Christopher Rollyson tapped to support LinkedIn, Inc. in Chicago coaching sessions for CMOs that will focus on enhancing LinkedIn Profiles […]

Tight versus Loose Network Strategies

Think about strategy and goals before building a LinkedIn network: here I outline benefits of LION and more traditional strategies […]

How Social Networks Make Markets More Efficient for Buyers and Sellers

How Social Networks Boost Market Efficiency for B2B Buyers and Sellers explains how to use LinkedIn to change the rules of business development

How Social Networks Boost Market Efficiency for B2B Buyers and SellersSince the early 2000s, everyone has struggled to develop measurable economic models for social media and Web 2.0, mostly with little success. During 2007 and 2008, CSRA has worked with clients on several levels hammering out models to pass enterprise muster, and here I will briefly share one that shows considerable promise for its practicality and utility to businesses. The immediate context is B2B business development and sales, but it is applicable to numerous other enterprise processes as well.


LinkedIn ROI Success: Corporate Development: Mergers & Acquisitions

Weather Channel Interactive executive explains how LinkedIn enabled a highly desirable acquisition; reflections on profiles and privacy […]

The Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn’s New Seminars Feature Social Networking

Social Networking Innovations in Interactive Learning, Registration Executive seminars seek motivated people to use LinkedIn to change the rules

news_flashFollowing its successful debut this spring and summer with “Classroom Seminars” with 60-75 participants, the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn will debut a new option in executive learning on October 9 at Chicago’s TechNexus. Dubbed “Collaborative Seminars,” the new series applies social networking to all aspects of the seminars: the sessions themselves are focused on selecting relatively small (maximum 25) groups of participants so that leader Christopher Rollyson can focus on facilitating group interaction as well as LinkedIn best practices.

One of our explicit goals is increasing trust among participants, so they will be able to support each other during and after the seminar, Rollyson said. This is critical after the seminar as well because Alumni continue their learning in our online community. Each highly engaged motivated alum adds to the strength of the community.


Leaving Messages: Comparing Twitter, Text Messaging and Voice Mail

reflectionToday an executive asked me to explain the value of Twitter versus voice mail for a particular mobility use case: she is at a business gathering and talking to “Jack,” someone whom “Barbara,” a friend of hers would like to meet (Barbara isn’t at the gathering but might be able to come by). Should she voice mail or send Barbara a tweet with the Jack’s information and willingness to connect? Read on to understand some of the nuances and virtues of microblogging (Twitter), SMS (short message service, or “text” messages in U.S. parlance) and voice mail.


Quick Thoughts on LinkedIn and Facebook Business Models

ent2Mashable’s article, Biz Networking on Facebook Could Soon Supersede LinkedIn, discussed Facebook’s relative prowess at attracting ad spending and concluded that Facebook was a better venue for business networking. I felt the need to weigh in on that, so I offer my analysis here, which compares certain aspects of each venue’s networking, demographics and strategy.


Managing Multiple Personalities Online

adviceThis weekend I’ve been having fun trying LinkedIn’s new group discussion functionality, and it’s really promising and seems to work well, significantly increasing the value of LinkedIn Groups.

In Tweeple, LinkedIn’s Twitter group, someone asked a great question about whether to have multiple accounts on Twitter, but the questions applies equally to any Web 2.0 venue, like LinkedIn. This has also come up in the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn seminars, whether to risk putting your side real estate business in your LinkedIn Profile, for example. Here are some quick reflections on managing many sides of yourself online.


EGLI Unveils New Fall Seminars with Social Networking Registration

news_flashLinkedIn is about “professional social networking,” and the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn opens the world of LinkedIn and other Web 2.0 venues (sites) to you. Web 2.0 venues can enable you to find and connect with very specific people who have similar interests and concerns, with whom you can collaborate.

For example, LinkedIn and Facebook can help you to locate clients and prospects that have very specific needs you can fill, reducing the sales cycle and increasing revenue per client because the fit is far better. Likewise with business partners, jobs, employees…

In the digital world’s new rules, it pays to be specific because the cost of finding people with specific interests continues to fall dramatically. If you know how to conduct yourself in these venues so that you increase others’ trust and confidence in you, you become far more effective. That’s what we aim to deliver.

Why should EGLI not tap the same phenomenon to organize seminars?


Leveraging Web 2.0 to Keep Connected with Your Network

adviceExecutives of a certain, er, level of experience face an apparent dilemma when they consider using LinkedIn and other Web 2.0 tools: they already have well-developed networks and non-Web 2.0 processes for managing them. Why should they use LinkedIn or other Web 2.0 tools? Aren’t connections best maintained by high value face-to-face lunches, meetings or phone calls?

The answer is, increasingly, “Yes and no.” I encourage you to consider these tools to supplement your current communications with your network. You will maintain a stronger network if you can communicate specific, relevant information about what you are doing, and these tools can help. Here we will delve into some key Web 2.0 tools’ unique value for enhancing the value of networks by keeping in touch better.
