American Express: Bearish U.S. Economy Will Drive Social Networking Adoption

The use of social networking sites will increase; people will shift to a strong family focus because they will be poorer. Older workers will get computer literate due to going back to work and working longer. […]

Alcatel-Lucent Study: Social Networkers Not Very Social

Highlights of Alcatel-Lucent’s recent marketing study of 1,000 social networkers, presented by CMO Allison Cerra at #snc2010: Social networkers are not very social; Heavy users of Web 2.0 will pay for value-added services; Privacy is murky […]

Book Review: Decoding Evolutionary Roots of Human Social Behavior

Digital social networks give front row seats in many aspects of human dramas, but few companies or individuals have the understanding of human behavior to appreciate fully what they are seeing. Many executives of commercial and government enterprises perceive “social” behavior as frivolous and discourage employees’ activity in social networks. This exceptional book shows that the separation of “work” and “social” is dangerously out of place today because collaboration produces the lion’s share of business value. To succeed, leaders need to appreciate the importance of social activity in collaboration and productivity, and how digital social networks can increase productivity. […]

Increasing Customer Transparency: Real Threat or a Paper Tiger for Marketers?

Should you worry that interacting with your customers on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs will let your competitors poach your customers? How increased transparency affects business and how you can use the trend to drive your competitiveness […]

President Bill Clinton Asks IIT Alumni to Join in Crusade Against Inequality

President Bill Clinton challenged IIT alumni to use their ingenuity in the service to mankind: “Being a good citizen no longer means paying your taxes and depending on your government. We can use innovation to help the less fortunate directly.” His message fell on ready ears and was deeply appreciated by 2,500 graduates of the Indian Institutes of Technology at PanIIT, their annual global conference, which was held in Chicago, Illinois. […]

Economic Disruption: How to Benefit Your Company and Career

Why 2009’s economic disruption will prove more pervasive and protracted than many experts think—and how you can guide you company. Guidance on using social networks to become more competitive and enhance your survival. […]

Noodle VII: Tombstones and Milestones in Publishing

Reflections on the collapse of Chicago’s legacy publishing economy: Britannica, Encarta, Wikipedia, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times […]

Web 2.0 Investment Strategy: Outperform Rivals by Using Adoption Cycle

Web 2.0 investment strategy uses a new adoption model to prepare for the Web 2.0 boom and bust by understanding and managing risks of applying social networks to business and government […]

MIT Enterprise Forum 2009 Economic Outlook

Live-blogging the MIT Enterprise Forum’s 2009 economic outlook from Chicago […]

Alumni 2.0: Employer-Employee Realignment

Alumni 2.0 is a key component of transitioning to a new employment paradigm by using online social networks like LinkedIn; this post outlines some of its key concepts […]