Weather Channel Interactive executive explains how LinkedIn enabled a highly desirable acquisition; reflections on profiles and privacy […]
Social Networking Innovations in Interactive Learning, Registration Executive seminars seek motivated people to use LinkedIn to change the rules
Following its successful debut this spring and summer with “Classroom Seminars” with 60-75 participants, the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn will debut a new option in executive learning on October 9 at Chicago’s TechNexus. Dubbed “Collaborative Seminars,” the new series applies social networking to all aspects of the seminars: the sessions themselves are focused on selecting relatively small (maximum 25) groups of participants so that leader Christopher Rollyson can focus on facilitating group interaction as well as LinkedIn best practices.
One of our explicit goals is increasing trust among participants, so they will be able to support each other during and after the seminar, Rollyson said. This is critical after the seminar as well because Alumni continue their learning in our online community. Each highly engaged motivated alum adds to the strength of the community.
Mashable’s article, Biz Networking on Facebook Could Soon Supersede LinkedIn, discussed Facebook’s relative prowess at attracting ad spending and concluded that Facebook was a better venue for business networking. I felt the need to weigh in on that, so I offer my analysis here, which compares certain aspects of each venue’s networking, demographics and strategy.
LinkedIn is about “professional social networking,” and the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn opens the world of LinkedIn and other Web 2.0 venues (sites) to you. Web 2.0 venues can enable you to find and connect with very specific people who have similar interests and concerns, with whom you can collaborate.
For example, LinkedIn and Facebook can help you to locate clients and prospects that have very specific needs you can fill, reducing the sales cycle and increasing revenue per client because the fit is far better. Likewise with business partners, jobs, employees…
In the digital world’s new rules, it pays to be specific because the cost of finding people with specific interests continues to fall dramatically. If you know how to conduct yourself in these venues so that you increase others’ trust and confidence in you, you become far more effective. That’s what we aim to deliver.
Why should EGLI not tap the same phenomenon to organize seminars?
Yesterday I presented LinkedIn as an executive job search tool to a packed house at St. Chrysostom’s Employment Council (the the Career Transitions Network). It was interesting to focus LinkedIn on a new area of human endeavor, getting a new job.
We had a lively discussion, which I’ll recap briefly before providing links to additional information pertinent to our discussion.
Mashup of Social Networks and CRM Offers Glimpse of the Future: “Let Prospects Self-Report”
But Facebook Data Tickles Privacy Concerns—Will LinkedIn Seize the Day?
As a presenter at the Social Networking Conference, I was able to catch some excellent presentations, and one of the most eye-opening was Clara Shih’s “Enterprise Mashups: How Facebook Is Changing Sales and Marketing.” In a word, Clara and Facebook’s Todd Perry mashed up Facebook and via AppExchange so that a prospect’s profile in Salesforce now includes select Facebook profile information in a separate pane (see illustration, right), providing a much richer “360° view” of the person to Salesforce users. The result is elegant, powerful and pregnant with social and business issues that I’ll explore briefly here.
Have you found yourself looking at your LinkedIn network and recognizing too few people? Here’s how to sort it out
Many executives have allowed their LinkedIn networks to grow by reactively accepting invitations from former colleagues, club members, people they met networking, etc. One day, when something compels them to look at “their” networks, they are dismayed to see that it’s not a pretty picture. They don’t recognize some of the names. Others aren’t really what they think of as “trusted.” They might get requests from their connections to connect them with someone else in their network whom they barely know. They don’t know what to do, and they wonder whether they should just throw it all away and start over. This is a very predictable and normal circumstance, and here I offer a step-by-step guide to reclaiming your network.
People who invest considerable time into building large LinkedIn networks regularly ask how they can send group communications to their networks. This is a regular topic in LinkedIn Answers and on external blogs and message boards. Here we will discuss the motivation behind the impulse to send group emails, namely the desire to use the “digital multiplier,” and solutions that do *not* involve spamming.
Business leaders regularly ask me whether Web 2.0 or Enterprise 2.0 are just hype or, if there is real value, where is it? What is the early evidence? As I predicted in January, 2008 is proving to be a pivotal year for Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0. This post will include a few definitions and several links to early results from enterprises in several industries. Moreover, it can help you appreciate the strategic element of adopting LinkedIn.
The Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn just put in beta several tools that will help executives to stay in touch with breaking news on LinkedIn. Two custom search engines enable executives to pinpoint articles that are particularly relevant to individual executives as well as corporate leaders. Also included in a real-time collection of our team’s ongoing “Best of LinkedIn” articles. Read on for details on the new tools and how to use them.