2009 Vision & Strategy Papers Just Published

Take advantage of breaking Web 2.0 trends to manage risk and enhance rewards in 2009

2008_Predct2008 was a momentous year punctuated by rising economic uncertainty, Web 2.0 innovation in politics and increasing opportunity to create uncommon advantage in many industries. How much can volatility increase? We are on a merry-go-round that’s accelerating; it’s giddy and scary, depending on one’s point of view.

To celebrate and help you to seize the day, I have spent the past week on three articles that represent some of my most important writing of the year:

Web 2.0 Case Study: Obama’s Use of Social Media 2008 Year in Review: Social Media out of the Gate, in Full Run 2009 Predictions and Recommendations […]

Web 2.0 Case Study: Barack Obama's Use of Social Media

Conventional Wisdom Scuttled—Disruption Preview—Business in the Batter’s Box

election2008_eecBarack Obama’s presidential campaign was more than a major social media milestone because it ushered in a new relationship model among leaders and their supporters. Due to social media, an unprecedented number of individuals had a new kind of active, direct role in Obama’s campaign; moreover, I predict that the Obama campaign and imminent administration will change citizens’ and consumers’ expectations of “leader” and “follower” roles in government and business. Amazon.com changed consumers’ expectations about retail in general—information on demand, reviews, unbelievable variety at low prices—and a significant portion of Obama supporters will want to continue their support to “make the change happen.” These supporters will bring their changed expectations of action and collaboration to their vendors. That means your company.

The Obama campaign is very instructive to business leaders because business customers are changing expectations of their leaders, as we’ll discuss in more detail below. As the Global Human Capital Journal is not primarily focused on politics, I am less interested in the fact that Obama was elected than how he was elected. Moreover, […]

LinkedIn ROI Success: Corporate Development: Mergers & Acquisitions

Weather Channel Interactive executive explains how LinkedIn enabled a highly desirable acquisition; reflections on profiles and privacy […]

LinkedIn Case Study and ROI: Business Development in Professional Services

Emerging LinkedIn case studies; here is one in which a LinkedIn member generated a quarter of a million dollars through LinkedIn – plus he landed an SVP job […]

Consumer Disruptors: Healthcare Web 2.0 Innovator Case Study

How Consumer-Generated Content Is Contributing to Transparency in Healthcare

Healthcare Social BusinessHealthcare systems worldwide are criticized for falling short of expectations, and countries like the U.S. which feature aging populations, are rapidly approaching a crisis. Demand and cost will grow, but the system as currently structured will certainly break down unless radical changes are made. Web 2.0’s disruptive potential can be part of the remedy: we need to introduce much more accountability and collaboration into all parts of the system. We need to change the paternalistic attitudes that pervade the system, treat patients as active participants and encourage everyone to be more accountable. This series introduces healthcare Web 2.0 innovators.

Business Drivers

Consumer-directed healthcare is an attempt to decrease U.S. healthcare costs by giving healthcare consumers (patients) a financial stake in the healthcare they access. At the consumer level, most programs consist of two parts, a high deductible health policy to protect against catastrophic expenses and a health savings account (HSA), which consumers use to pay the majority of their healthcare expenses. HSAs are tax-advantaged: in most cases, the consumer pays for healthcare […]

PatientsLikeMe: Healthcare Web 2.0 Innovator Case Study

How a “Facebook for Health Conditions” Is Redefining Privacy and Collaboration

patientslikemeHealthcare systems worldwide are criticized for falling short of expectations, and countries like the U.S., which feature aging populations, are rapidly approaching a crisis. Demand and cost will grow, but the system as currently structured will certainly break down unless radical changes are made. Web 2.0’s disruptive potential can be part of the remedy: we need to introduce much more accountability and collaboration into all parts of the system. We need to change the paternalistic attitudes that pervade the system, treat patients as active participants and encourage everyone to be more accountable. This series introduces healthcare Web 2.0 innovators.

Business Drivers

PatientsLikeMe is a digital social network where patients of chronic, life-changing diseases share detailed quantifiable information about themselves, their diseases and their treatments’ effectiveness. The goal of the site is to improve quality of life by sharing information.


HCAR KnowledgeMesh: Healthcare Web 2.0 Innovator Case Study

New Life Sciences Accelerator Leverages Digital Social Network, Inspired by LinkedIn and Facebook

hcarHealthcare systems worldwide are criticized for falling short of expectations, and countries like the U.S. which feature aging populations, are rapidly approaching a crisis. Demand and cost will grow, but the system as currently structured will certainly break down unless radical changes are made. Web 2.0’s disruptive potential can be part of the remedy: we need to introduce much more accountability and collaboration into all parts of the system. We need to change the paternalistic attitudes that pervade the system, treat patients as active participants and encourage everyone to be more accountable. This series introduces healthcare Web 2.0 innovators.


Sermo: Healthcare Web 2.0 Innovator Case Study

U.S. Physicians Learn the Power of Professional Crowdsourcing—Consult Each Other in Digital Social Network sermoHealthcare systems worldwide are criticized for falling short of expectations, and countries like the U.S. which feature aging populations, are rapidly approaching a crisis. Demand and cost will grow, but the system as currently structured will certainly break down unless radical changes are made. Web 2.0’s disruptive potential can be part of the remedy: we need to introduce much more accountability and collaboration into all parts of the system. We need to change the paternalistic attitudes that pervade the system, treat patients as active participants and encourage everyone to be more accountable. This series introduces healthcare Web 2.0 innovators.

Business Drivers

Sermo is a start-up that was founded by a doctor with a passion, to create a professional community in which often-isolated U.S. doctors can advise each other. Once confirmed as practicing physicians, members create pseudonyms that are attached to their specialties. No other information about members is required, but they can volunteer other information about themselves.

The Sermo story reflects the limitless applicability of Web 2.0 collaboration, in […]

Mayo Clinic: Healthcare Web 2.0 Innovator Case Study

Renowned Health Center Lets Patients and Employees Share Experiences in Facebook—Podcasts, a New Way to Leverage Multimedia

Mayo_clinic_logoHealthcare systems worldwide are criticized for falling short of expectations, and countries like the U.S. which feature aging populations, are rapidly approaching a crisis. Demand and cost will grow, but the system as currently structured will certainly break down unless radical changes are made. Web 2.0’s disruptive potential can be part of the remedy: we need to introduce much more accountability and collaboration into all parts of the system. We need to change the paternalistic attitudes that pervade the system, treat patients as active participants and encourage everyone to be more accountable. This series introduces healthcare Web 2.0 innovators.

Business Drivers

Mayo Clinic is literally a pioneer in that it was founded on the U.S. frontier in the 19th century. The world-renowned medical center has innovated many of the practices that evolved into the modern medical practice. It became organized as a nonprofit in 1919 and, as the Mayo Foundation, it has played a lead role in supporting medical education at the University of Minnesota Graduate School.

It may be natural, then, that Mayo […]

Pfizer: Healthcare Web 2.0 Innovator Case Study

How Blogs and Wikis Add Value in Global Organizations by Supplementing Enterprise IT—Contagious Grassroots Enthusiasm

pfizer_logoHealthcare systems worldwide are criticized for falling short of expectations, and countries like the U.S. which feature aging populations, are rapidly approaching a crisis. Demand and cost will grow, but the system as currently structured will certainly break down unless radical changes are made. Web 2.0’s disruptive potential can be part of the remedy: we need to introduce much more accountability and collaboration into all parts of the system. We need to change the paternalistic attitudes that pervade the system, treat patients as active participants and encourage everyone to be more accountable. This series introduces healthcare Web 2.0 innovators.

Business Drivers

Pfizer is the world’s largest pharmaceutical company by sales, having in its stable numerous bestselling drugs, from Lipitor, Lyrica and Diflucan to Zithromax and Viagra. It also has the industry’s largest R&D budget, a global workforce and a tremendous need for its people to collaborate seamlessly across boundaries.

All pharmaceutical companies are struggling to invent new drugs because much of the “low hanging fruit” has been harvested, and their R&D staffs need to try new […]