Web 2.0 Business Strategy: Comparing Facebook and MySpace Expansion Strategy

Startling Web 2.0 strategy and tactics: comparing MySpace and Facebook approaches to globalization and drawing lessons for executives: the power of crowdsourcing […]

Reflections on Using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter

Understand why executives are increasingly using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter together to develop relationships more quickly.. The Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn to have Facebook and Twitter siblings […]

Twitter: Quick Launch Guide

Twitter quick start guide for executives: get up and running in 30 minutes: overview of privacy, followers/followed, strategy, adding value and account settings. […]

Exploring Twitter: Ten Observations

Reflecting on Twitter’s promise for senior marketing executives and B2B applications plus some tactical tips.. Twitter, tactics, strategy, value proposition, innovation, creativity, crowdsourcing, insight, philosophy […]

Realizing Value: The Social Network Life Cycle Model

Life cycle model for social networks provides a blueprint for investment, along with goals, activities and milestones for each stage. A plan of action for creating value from enterprise social networking initiatives. […]

Web 2.0 Investment Strategy: Outperform Rivals by Using Adoption Cycle

Web 2.0 investment strategy uses a new adoption model to prepare for the Web 2.0 boom and bust by understanding and managing risks of applying social networks to business and government […]

Web 2.0 Adoption Curve, 2009-2015

This Web 2.0 adoption curve helps commercial and government executives make investments in social networks, social media and Web 2.0 in 2009 and 2010: use this realistic adoption model to manage expectations and risk. […]

In Chicago: LinkedIn's Promise for Driving Global Relationships

Presenting Linkedin for Cross-border relationships and deals 18 February 2009 in Chicago, hosted by the Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce […]

How LinkedIn Changes the Economics of Cross-border Relationships

Summary of how LinkedIn will transform the economics of cross-border deal making.. and opportunities and threats for professionals […]

Recap Miami: Enterprise Social Network Workshop

Recap of enterprise social networking workshop for how to create a repeatable process for designing and managing successful enterprise social networking initiatives […]