Enterprise Social Networking Workshop Extends to Full Day

London enterprise social networking workshop expanded to full day, to address strategy and tactics of planning and executing corporate social networking projects, a godsend for project managers and champions […]

Media Review/Debunking Uninformed Media Coverage of Social Networks

Criticism of uninformed media coverage of the value of social networks, case study of the New York Times’ uninformed opinion piece on Facebook, Facebook Exodus… examples of how many people on social networks don’t know how to use the networks to find fulfillment […]

Social Networks and the Relationship Life Cycle: Myths and Realities

Digital social networks are transforming every field of human endeavor because they change the economics of how people discover, develop and maintain relationships. Therefore, social networks propose a revolution in communication is similar in scope to Ford’s invention of the assembly line for fabrication but executives don’t understand it. This post […]

Networks: Thoughts on Quality vs. Quantity

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.. how do you maximize the value of your network? How to think about quantity vs. quality. […]

New Panel at PanIIT: Social Networks for Disruptive Innovation

Christopher S. Rollyson will lead a panel, “Using Social Networks for Disruptive Innovation,” at the global Pan IIT conference on October 9, 2009 in Chicago. […]

Job Search Tips for Disruptive Times

Job search in a disruptive environment, and how to use social networking to create the advantage […]

Introducing Twitter Value Vectors: The Key to Building a Quality Following

Introduction to Value Vectors, one of the Executive’s Guide to Twitter’s critical tools for advising firms on creating Twitter presence.. learn how to take the guesswork out of creating your Twitter community of followers […]

2009 Los Angeles Social Networking Conference Highlights Enterprise Social Media Experience

Report and analysis on the Social Networking Conference #snc2009 featured enterprise social networking managers sharing their in-the-trenches experiences and advice: Electronic Arts, Nokia, Intel, Sun, Wal-Mart, Digg, HP, Oracle, Dow Jones, Yammer, Google. Learn about how social media is unfolding in the enterprise, enterprise 2.0 […]

Social Networking Conference Wrap: Grand Panel Wrap

Summary of the Social Networking Conference “Grand Panel”: privacy, innovation, community, strategy […]

Social Networking Conference Wrap: Angela LoSasso on Engaging Customers

Emerging good practices for social networking at Hewlett-Packard, from Angela LoSasso, a full-time social networking manager.. thoughts on working in B2B and B2C contexts […]