Are Geosocial Apps Foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt & Brightkite Ready for Prime Time?

If your business involves physical locations, geosocial applications represent a tantalizing possibility: people can talk about their presence and experience at one of your locations and, potentially, friends of their friends that have the same interest (or thirst). It adds long tail digital grease to conditions on the ground at a retail location. […]

You Know Facebook Connect, but why not LinkedIn Connect?

You Know Facebook Connect but why not LinkedIn Connect?You Know Facebook Connect but why not LinkedIn Connect? discusses credentialing across websites in the Web 3.0 version of single signon.

Shannon Clark, on his Slow Brand blog, presents the idea of a LinkedIn Connect, which would enable users to authenticate and share certain approved information from their LinkedIn presence on third-party sites. He writes, “Why isn’t LinkedIn looking to be the Identity layer for not just a few applications running inside of LinkedIn or a very small handful of LinkedIn Partners, but instead to offer a strong, business focused identity layer for 1000?s of business applications across the Internet?” Great question that merited some cycles.

Here’s the post, with my thoughts below. A good thread with some technical discussion, but understandable for non-techies, too.


American Express: Bearish U.S. Economy Will Drive Social Networking Adoption

The use of social networking sites will increase; people will shift to a strong family focus because they will be poorer. Older workers will get computer literate due to going back to work and working longer. […]

Suggestions for Facebook: How to Triple Value of Friend Suggestions

How Facebook can fix its lame “Friend Suggestions” feature—while tripling the value to members (users). How Members can increase their ability to meet qualified new people on Facebook. […]

Visions of Facebook 2.0

Thoughts on Facebook 2.0, in which Facebook connects users’ social graphs to the Web, gaining a quantum leap more information about them […]

Comparing Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for Developing Business Relationships

How to think about using Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for business.. brief comparisons of Facebook with LinkedIn and Twitter from a business perspective […]

Web 2.0 Single Sign-on Update: Federating Friends with Facebook Connect and Google Friendconnect

Pithy insights on major Web 2.0 transformation driver: reflecting on the significance of Facebook Connect and Google Friendconnect, which offer Web 2.0 single signon services […]

Facebook vs. Twitter Influence on Techcrunch

Facebook vs. Twitter Influence on TechcrunchPersonally and professionally, I find posts that “compare” Twitter and Facebook as if they were competitors largely off-base and useless, but I weighed in on this one on Techcrunch. My thesis is that these venues only “compete” if you care about fickle mass adoption and don’t care about each site’s underlying value proposition. Facebook and Twitter are very different, so comparing them doesn’t make much sense in most cases. In 2009, however, mass media in the United States especially was having a field day talking about Twitter “knocking Facebook off its pedestal,” which was silly. Here’s Techcrunch’s take on it. My response and thoughts are below.


Beta Program: The Web 2.0 Readiness Assessment

The Social Network Roadmap’s Web 2.0 Readiness Assessment is a service offering that gives the enterprise a firm understanding of how its “traditional” USPs translate to serving stakeholders in the Web 2.0 world. The Web 2.0 Ecosystem Audit has pinpointed what venues and activities are relevant to stakeholders, so the company is now set to create programs to engage stakeholders. […]

Beta Program: The Web 2.0 Ecosystem Audit

An increasingly tangible Web 2.0 ecosystem is growing up around all organizations, but they don’t know what it looks like, much less how to engage it. Your firm’s leaders need to understand how the people you care about are contributing to and learning from the conversations in Web 2.0 venues. Social media means that the ecosystem of market participants around your business is far more actionable than ever before.. and transparent. It’s also easier for your company to engage.. when you know how. The Web 2.0 Ecosystem Audit delivers the picture and understanding. […]