LinkedIn Executive Suggests B2B Vulnerability to Social Networks' Disruption at Chicago CMO Lunch

LinkedIn’s Steve Patrizi offers advanced thoughts on LinkedIn features, and this report offers far-reaching between-the-lines analysis of executive social networks: a new dimension in advertising and redefining the employer-employee relationship […]

LinkedIn Marketing Chief Shares Company's Strategic Direction Plus B2B Business Opportunities

LinkedIn marketing chief briefs Chicago CMOs on strategy, direction and utility of the executive network for B2B relationship development and sales […]

How Social Networks Make Markets More Efficient for Buyers and Sellers

How Social Networks Boost Market Efficiency for B2B Buyers and Sellers explains how to use LinkedIn to change the rules of business development

How Social Networks Boost Market Efficiency for B2B Buyers and SellersSince the early 2000s, everyone has struggled to develop measurable economic models for social media and Web 2.0, mostly with little success. During 2007 and 2008, CSRA has worked with clients on several levels hammering out models to pass enterprise muster, and here I will briefly share one that shows considerable promise for its practicality and utility to businesses. The immediate context is B2B business development and sales, but it is applicable to numerous other enterprise processes as well.


Beta Program: The Web 2.0 Readiness Assessment

The Social Network Roadmap’s Web 2.0 Readiness Assessment is a service offering that gives the enterprise a firm understanding of how its “traditional” USPs translate to serving stakeholders in the Web 2.0 world. The Web 2.0 Ecosystem Audit has pinpointed what venues and activities are relevant to stakeholders, so the company is now set to create programs to engage stakeholders. […]

Beta Program: The Web 2.0 Ecosystem Audit

An increasingly tangible Web 2.0 ecosystem is growing up around all organizations, but they don’t know what it looks like, much less how to engage it. Your firm’s leaders need to understand how the people you care about are contributing to and learning from the conversations in Web 2.0 venues. Social media means that the ecosystem of market participants around your business is far more actionable than ever before.. and transparent. It’s also easier for your company to engage.. when you know how. The Web 2.0 Ecosystem Audit delivers the picture and understanding. […]

Presenting Social Network Roadmap at SocialDevCampChicago

How the Social Network Roadmap can increase demand for Web 2.0 and social software and services providers.. brief overview of the Roadmap’s phases and connection points for Web 2.0 vendors […]

Just Launched: The Social Network Roadmap Facebook Page

Strategy and plans behind the Social Network Roadmap’s Facebook Page, which Facebook members should benefit the most from the Roadmap and how it can drive their business […]

Enterprise and Individual Drivers for Social Networks

Demand drivers for enterprise social networks: global enterprises suffer innovation crisis while individuals seek employment security; cross-boundary collaboration is a win-win for enterprise and employee […]

Psst! Want to Break the SNR Beta Program Story?

Opportunity to break the story on new enterprise social network enablement program for marketing, social media, IT and strategy executives […]

San Francisco Social Networking Conference Provides 2008 Mid-Year Adoption Snapshot

Enterprise 2.0 and B2C Web 2.0 Show Serious Traction—But Social Sticky Wickets Remain—How to Trust?

SNC-logoThe Social Networking Conference (SNC) was an excellent place to check the pulse of Web 2.0 adoption from customer and provider perspectives. Producer Marc Lesnick explained in his opening remarks that, in the months preceding this conference, corporations had knocked on his door asking to get involved. His Ticonderoga Ventures had held several SNCs over the past few years, and it had been largely the purview of social networking start-ups and their facilitators. This is a very apt indication of the enterprise adoption predicted by my State of Social Networking Forrester coverage and 2007 Review.

SNC SF 2008 took place July 10-11, 2008 at the UC San Francisco’s Mission Bay Conference Center. It was a focused conference that balanced start-ups’ and enterprises’ innovation—with a dash of perspective from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Social Networking Watch’s Mark Brooks. On the enterprise side, GE’s Grewal and GM’s Denison covered the enterprise 2.0 and B2C Web 2.0 perspectives respectively, while the U.S. Air Force’s Adkins presented nascent cross-boundary collaboration in […]