Web 2.0 Investment Strategy: Outperform Rivals by Using Adoption Cycle

Web 2.0 investment strategy uses a new adoption model to prepare for the Web 2.0 boom and bust by understanding and managing risks of applying social networks to business and government […]

New Video Trailer: The Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn

Announcing the launch of the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn trailer, “Executive Preview,” which highlights key social network disruptions and offers the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn as a way for leaders to get smart fast […]

Videocast Session One: The Web 2.0 Ecosystem

The Web 2.0 Ecosystem videocast shows how social networks will disrupt business by changing the economics of building relationships. Learn how LinkedIn can serve as an executive gateway to the Web 2.0 world. […]

February Events to Feature LinkedIn and Twitter

February 2009 social network events and education: the executive’s guide to Twitter debuts at ITA and the Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn seminar series wraps in Wheaton […]

Quick LinkedIn Membership Selection Guide

Confused about which LinkedIn membership to choose? Use our short LinkedIn membership selection guide […]

New LinkedIn Seminars in Chicago, Cleveland

seminarsLearning how to leverage social networks for business will be one of the top five requirements to thriving in 2009, and LinkedIn is an ideal place to begin because it helps to find opportunity: new customers, partnerships or jobs. The Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn has scheduled three new Collaborative Seminars in Chicago and Cleveland. Here is how participants increase their results:

EGLI participants create their individualized LinkedIn plans They learn how to build their networks and manage their time according to the plan They learn how to use LinkedIn’s advanced tools […]

Strategy for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter: Where Do I Need to Be?

LinkedIn versus Facebook versus Twitter: a thumbnail guide on selecting which Web 2.0 sites your company should be on […]

2008 Q3 Report

Executive’s Guide to LinkedIn quarterly report reveals new executive education formats and innovations: social networking registration, boardroom seminars, twitter feed, Facebook Page and the power of alumni […]

LinkedIn Executive Suggests B2B Vulnerability to Social Networks' Disruption at Chicago CMO Lunch

LinkedIn’s Steve Patrizi offers advanced thoughts on LinkedIn features, and this report offers far-reaching between-the-lines analysis of executive social networks: a new dimension in advertising and redefining the employer-employee relationship […]

LinkedIn Marketing Chief Shares Company's Strategic Direction Plus B2B Business Opportunities

LinkedIn marketing chief briefs Chicago CMOs on strategy, direction and utility of the executive network for B2B relationship development and sales […]